Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Christmas 2008

Well, here we are! Celebrating the birth of our Savior! Standing in front of our tree. We are a family. We are happy! God is so good to us.

My Brothers

That's me surrounded by my handsome brothers! It sure was great to see them. We have many childhood memories that we can laugh about and cry about. We are all Christians and can praise the Lord together and one day walk on the golden streets of Heaven. I love my brothers.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

A Day at The San Francisco Zoo

What a great time we had. It was beautiful weather. All the animals were out and active, playing in the sunshine, including us.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Thanksgiving 2008

I love the fall. The weather is so much cooler and the days are shorter. I love the colors of the leaves. Decorating is fun and just seems to warm up my home. It is a time to reflect on the year and realize how much we have to be thankful for. Our God is truly good to us. Beyond measure.
Yesterday afternoon we gathered at our church to fill shoe boxes with goodies and wrap them to give to needy children arounhd the world. We had a wonderful time and afterwards had some delicious desserts.
Rudy Jr on his 3rd Box

Even our Pastor wrapped and stuffed boxes
Sunday afternoon our church members gathered to wrap shoe boxes full of goodies for needy kids around the world. It was a lot of work but fun at the same time. Young and old worked to accomplish the task.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Friday, August 22, 2008

Need a new hair style!

I have to get a new hair style. I tried this virtual website where you upload your picture and then you get to try on all these hairstyles and even makeup and haircolor, a real virtual make over. It was a lot of fun. Sarah and Rachel did it with me. I was surprized at their choices but they did a good job. We all thought we looked pretty cute. If you want to try it go to More.com/hair Think I will go today and get my hair cut. Have a good weekend everyone.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

I just got off the phone with my Mom and Dad. I cried. They are so old. My Mom has her health but not her memory. My Dad has his memory but his body is failing fast. He is so weak. My Mom cannot even remember my birthdate. I guess I have child like thinking that my parents would always be the same, always there, ... Old age is cruel in the since that you can be trapped in an old vessel that is withering and decaying more and more each day. Like a flower or the grass. But I will remember their strengths in character, strength in labor and a job well done. They are stil my parents and I love them.

Friday, August 15, 2008


This is Rachel 15, Rudy 14, and Sarah, 16. I home school the two girls and Rudy Jr goes to Tracy High. They are great kids. I am learning right along with them. They have shown me the ins and outs of text messaging, sttings on my cell phone and let me know if my outfit is too, out of style. They keep me laughing and crying. They keep me from feeling old. I love them.

My Best Friend

This is me and my best friend on my last birthday. My honey, husband, lover and friend is Rudy. I absolutely adore him. He makes me want to try harder and be better. We read our Bibles , pray and sing hymns together. We laugh together and cry together. We yell, we complain we make-up. We have made a great life together by the grace and mercy of a loving and forgiving God.

In the beginning......

This is my first "BLOG" I enjoy reading what my nieces post each day and I thought I would try it out. "Back in the day," I wrote in a diary, I still have it. I hid it in my underwear drawer for fear someone might read it. I guess now you actually want people to read it. Go figure. Anyway, I am going to try writing in my blog each day if for no other reason than to keep myself up to speed and share some thoughts and have some fun.